How Much Does Timber Fencing Cost

How Much Does Timber Fencing Cost

Are you considering installing a timber fence but unsure about the costs involved? Timber fencing is a popular choice in Australia due to its natural appearance and durability. In this comprehensive guide, we break down the costs associated with timber fencing, helping you make an informed decision for your property.

Types of Timber Fencing

Different types of timber fencing come with varying costs. Here are some popular options:

Paling Fences

Economical and classic, paling fences are a common choice for residential properties. They provide a straightforward look and are often the most budget-friendly option. Our fence installation services provide insights on how to get started with paling fences.

Lapped and Capped Fences

Offering more privacy and a stylish finish, these fences are slightly more expensive. They feature overlapping palings with a capping piece on top, providing a more polished appearance. This type of fencing is often used in boundary fencing projects to enhance both aesthetics and functionality.

Feature Fencing

Customised designs that add a unique touch to your property. These fences can incorporate decorative elements, different timber types, and complex designs, often resulting in higher costs. You can find various feature fencing options that offer both uniqueness and elegance.

Factors Influencing the Cost

Several factors affect the cost of timber fencing:

Material Quality

Higher quality timber will be more expensive but offer greater durability. Hardwood options like Merbau or Jarrah tend to be pricier than softwoods like Pine. Various fence types can illustrate these differences in material quality.

Height and Length

Taller and longer fences require more materials and labour, thus increasing the cost. For extensive projects, consulting professional fencing contractors can provide a more accurate estimate.

Design Complexity

Intricate designs and custom features such as lattice tops, decorative posts, or mixed materials can significantly raise costs. Detailed designs often fall under the category of feature fencing.


Costs can vary based on your location due to material availability and labour rates. Urban areas might have higher labour costs compared to rural areas. Engaging with local experts, like those found among fencing contractors in Melbourne or Sydney, can offer tailored quotes.

Cost Breakdown

Understanding the cost components helps in budgeting:

  • Materials: The price per metre of timber, including posts, rails, and palings. High-quality timber and additional features like capping or staining can increase the material costs. Explore different materials and designs on our fencing services page.
  • Labour: Installation costs vary; professional installation is recommended for durability and to ensure compliance with local regulations. Labour costs can range based on the complexity of the job and the expertise required. Our fencing contractors page provides more insights into hiring professionals.
  • Additional Costs: Gates, staining, or painting, and ongoing maintenance. Including these in your budget ensures a more accurate total cost estimate. Regular fence maintenance is crucial for longevity.

Average Costs in Australia

The average cost of timber fencing in Australia ranges from $75 to $120 per metre, depending on the factors mentioned above. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

  • Paling Fence: $75 – $100 per metre. This is one of the most common and cost-effective options.
  • Lapped and Capped Fence: $90 – $120 per metre. Offers a premium look and additional privacy.
  • Feature Fencing: Varies widely based on design, starting at $150 per metre. Custom designs can go much higher, depending on the materials and intricacy.

Cost-Saving Tips

There are ways to manage your fencing budget effectively:

  • DIY Installation: For the handy, DIY can save labour costs but ensure you have the right skills and tools. Be aware that incorrect installation can lead to higher costs down the line due to repairs. Insights on DIY and professional installation can be found in our fence installation guide.
  • Bulk Purchase: Buying materials in bulk can reduce costs, especially if you have a large area to fence. Suppliers often offer discounts for bulk purchases, which can be particularly useful for extensive boundary fencing projects.
  • Seasonal Discounts: Look for off-season discounts and promotions from suppliers and contractors. Winter months might offer lower prices compared to the peak summer season. Check with local fencing contractors for seasonal deals.

Maintenance and Longevity

Maintaining your timber fence is crucial for longevity and preserving its aesthetic appeal. Regular maintenance includes:

  • Staining or Painting: Protects the timber from the elements and can enhance its appearance. It’s recommended to re-stain or repaint every few years to maintain its look and durability.
  • Cleaning: Regularly clean your fence to remove dirt, mildew, and moss. A simple solution of water and mild detergent can work wonders. More tips can be found on our fence maintenance page.
  • Repairs: Promptly fix any damage to prevent further deterioration. Replace broken or rotten palings and ensure the posts are sturdy. Professional fence repair services can help maintain the integrity of your fence.

Related Costs and Installation Guides

When considering the cost of timber fencing, it’s important to explore other related fencing solutions and their installation processes. Here are some highly relevant resources that can provide additional insights and help you make well-informed decisions:

By exploring these resources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of various fencing options, their installation processes, and associated costs, ensuring you choose the best solution for your specific needs and budget.

Environmental Considerations

Timber fencing is a sustainable option if sourced responsibly. Look for timber that is certified by organisations such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), ensuring it comes from sustainably managed forests. Using recycled or reclaimed timber is another eco-friendly option. Our timber fencing section provides detailed information on sustainable materials.


Timber fencing is a valuable addition to any property, providing privacy, security, and aesthetic appeal. By understanding the costs involved, you can plan and budget effectively, ensuring a successful fencing project. For more detailed quotes and professional advice, feel free to contact our team at Fencing Quotes Online.

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