Find Your Neighbours | Fencing Contractors in Australia

Connecting with your neighbours for fencing projects can help ensure a smooth and cost-effective experience. Here, you’ll find links to your local councils, where you can request information about your neighbours and coordinate your fencing plans.



Find your local council’s request forms to identify your neighbours and collaborate on your fencing project.

New South Wales

Local Council Discover how to find your neighbours to help share the cost of your fence. Proper coordination can prevent potential disputes.

New South Wales


Lodge a request as soon as you get your quotes to start the process of contacting your neighbours.

South Australia

Submit a request to your local council to find out who your neighbours are. Ensure timely communication and planning for your fencing project.

South Australia


Allow around 5–10 working days for your neighbours to respond after submitting your request.

Western Australia

If your neighbours do not respond, consider sending them a Notice to Fence for further action.

Western Australia


Find your local councils request forms to find out who your neighbours are

New South Wales

Find your neighbours to help pay for your fences, fencing can make neighbours turn on each other, us as Fencing Contractors offer all the tools possible so this does not happen


It is generally best to lodge a request as soon as you get your quotes

South Australia

Submit a request to your local council to find out who your neighbours are. Ensure timely communication and planning for your fencing project.


Allowing around 5 – 10 working days for your neighbours to respond

Western Australia

If they do not respond, maybe think about sending them a Notice to Fence


Find your local council’s request forms to identify your neighbours and collaborate on your fencing project.

New South Wales

Local Council Discover how to find your neighbours to help share the cost of your fence. Proper coordination can prevent potential disputes.


Lodge a request as soon as you get your quotes to start the process of contacting your neighbours.

South Australia

Submit a request to your local council to find out who your neighbours are. Ensure timely communication and planning for your fencing project.


Allow around 5–10 working days for your neighbours to respond after submitting your request.

Western Australia

Western Australia Local Council If your neighbours do not respond, consider sending them a Notice to Fence for further action.

Need Help With your Neighbours? – Let Us Help

Fencing Quotes Online is here to make the process of coordinating with your neighbours easier. Use our instant fencing cost estimator to get quotes and start planning your project today.

Fencing Quotes Online

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We quote based on provided info. We recommend uploading some images of your existing fence. Upload fence images now or later via email.


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Tips for Making a Good Impression on Your Neighbours

Open Communication

Discuss your fencing plans with your neighbours openly and early. This helps avoid misunderstandings and builds a cooperative relationship.

Consider Their Preferences

Take into account your neighbour’s preferences for fence style and height. Showing flexibility can lead to a mutually beneficial outcome.

Provide Information

Share fencing quotes for different styles and heights with your neighbour. This transparency can help in reaching a consensus.

Be Respectful

Approach the discussion with respect and a willingness to listen. A positive attitude can go a long way in building a good rapport.

Offer to Share Costs

Suggest sharing the costs of the fence if it benefits both properties. This can make the project more affordable for both parties.

Document Agreements

Once you’ve reached an agreement, document it in writing to avoid future disputes.

Organising Fencing Jobs with Neighbours

Joint Decision Making

Work together to select a fencing contractor and agree on the project timeline.

Coordinate Schedules

Ensure both parties are available during key stages of the project to address any issues that may arise.

Regular Updates

Keep each other informed about the progress and any changes to the plan.

When it comes to fencing and neighbours it can be quite hard, from choosing a fencing style you both like to finding a height you both agree on, it is best to chat to your neighbour and listen to them, getting fencing quotes for different styles and heights to show your neighbour is a good start, this way you can both chat about the style and height of the fence you might like.

Timber fencing is by far the cheapest option, however colorbond fencing lasts a lot longer, so well you save money today, you may need to spend money in later years on a timber fence.

Timber fencing generally lasts 15-18 years where as colorbond fencing lasts 20+ years as long as you have the right fencing contactor