Chain Wire

Chain Wire

Chain Wire

Chain wire fence is also referred to as the Chain link fence wire and chain Mesh. It is one of the oldest types of fencing available. It can be used in tennis courts, factories, buildings, cricket practice nets, sports enclosures, wildlife security, high fencing, and temporary fencing in short, for any domestic, industrial or commercial use.  It is very useful for controlling erosion and stabilization of rocks.

Chain Wire Fencing

Chain link fencing is very convenient for domestic and commercial use. For domestic purposes, it can be used to fence private lawns as well as private tennis courts which can provide sufficient security. These fences can be altered as per the buyer’s specifications. However, for commercial purposes, it is manufactured in high-grade steel that confirms the stability and strong-ness and long-lasting use of the product. Both these products are available in PVC coated chain link fence and normal PVC chain link fence.

Chain Wire Mesh

Both chain mesh fence and chain mesh gates are made up of low carbon steel in a diamond mesh shape that has a heavy galvanized coating which ensures a long life of the product. Both the gate and fences made out of the mesh, if installed correctly, do not need ongoing maintenance required to keep it looking new for years.

Chain Wire

Chain Link Gates

There is a wide range of variety available for gates similar to fences. The customer can select the type of gate they want; galvanized coating or PVC coated gate in dark colours.

Chain Mesh Fencing Supplies

Chain wire fencing price per metre installed changes as the cost of steel changes. The residential cost averages around $60 per meter, depending on whether it’s galvanized or vinyl coated. 

 Chain Link Wire

chain-link fence wire is a kind of woven fence typically produced using LLDPE-coated steel wire. The wires run vertically and are bowed into a crisscross design so that each “zig” snares with the quickly on one side and every “cross” with the wire promptly on the other.

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