Pool Fencing

Pool fencing is a vital aspect of pool safety, providing a secure barrier that prevents accidental access and enhances the overall aesthetics of your pool area. Choosing the right pool fencing ensures not only the safety of your loved ones but also peace of mind. Our comprehensive fencing services and diverse fencing styles offer high-quality solutions tailored to your specific needs. This guide explores the importance and numerous benefits of investing in premium pool fencing solutions.

Pool Fence

Enter Your Address

Draw Fence Length

Draw your fence length using the map

    Total Fence Length: 0

    Choose Fence Style

    Choose Your Fence Sub-style

    Choose Your Fence Height

    Do you need a gate?


    Single Flat Top Picket Gate
    Single Flat Top Picket Gate
    Mini Orb Single Gate
    Mini Orb Single Gate
    Aluminium flat top gate
    Aluminium flat top gate
    PVC Semi Privacy with lattice gate
    PVC Semi Privacy with lattice gate
    Single Timber Paling Gate
    Single Timber Paling Gate
    Single Colorbond Gate
    Single Colorbond Gate
    Single Timber Gate w Capping
    Single Timber Gate w Capping
    Single Merbau Slatted Gate
    Single Merbau Slatted Gate
    Single Windsor Picket Gate
    Single Windsor Picket Gate
    Single Flat Top Picket Gate
    Single Flat Top Picket Gate


    Double Timber Paling Gate
    Double Timber Paling Gate
    Double Colorbond Gate
    Double Colorbond Gate
    Double Timber Gate w Capping
    Double Timber Gate w Capping
    Double Merbau Slatted Gate
    Double Merbau Slatted Gate
    Double Windsor Picket Gate
    Double Windsor Picket Gate
    Double Flat Top Picket Gate
    Double Flat Top Picket Gate

    Remove existing fence

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    Why Choose Pool Fencing?

    Enhanced Safety

    Pool fencing is essential for preventing accidental access to your pool area, particularly for children and pets. It acts as a strong physical barrier that ensures only authorised individuals can enter the pool area, significantly reducing the risk of accidents and drowning incidents.

    Compliance with Safety Regulations

    Installing pool fencing helps you comply with local safety regulations and standards. These regulations are in place to ensure that pool areas are secure and that the risk of accidents is minimised. High-quality pool fencing solutions meet or exceed these safety requirements, providing you with peace of mind.

    Durability and Strength

    Pool fencing is designed to withstand harsh outdoor conditions, including exposure to water, UV rays, and varying temperatures. Made from durable materials such as glass, aluminium, or PVC, pool fences are built to last and require minimal maintenance, ensuring long-term protection and functionality.

    Aesthetic Appeal

    Pool fencing can be customised to enhance the visual appeal of your pool area. Whether you prefer the sleek look of glass, the traditional charm of aluminium, or the modern style of PVC, there are numerous options available to suit your aesthetic preferences and complement your property’s design.

    Our Pool Fencing Solutions

    Glass Pool Fences

    Features of Glass Pool Fences

    Glass pool fences offer a modern and unobtrusive solution for pool safety. Made from toughened glass panels, these fences provide clear visibility while maintaining a strong barrier around the pool. They are resistant to impact, weather conditions, and UV rays, ensuring long-lasting durability.

    Ideal Applications

    Glass pool fences are ideal for residential swimming pools, hotels, and resorts where maintaining an open and luxurious feel is important. They ensure safety and compliance with pool safety regulations while adding a touch of elegance to the property.

    Glass pool fencing costs can vary based on the type and thickness of the glass used, as well as the complexity of the installation. While glass fences can be more expensive upfront, their durability and minimal maintenance requirements can offer long-term savings and value.

    Aluminium Pool Fences

    Features of Aluminium Pool Fences

    Aluminium pool fences provide a lightweight yet durable option for pool safety. These fences are resistant to rust and corrosion, making them suitable for various climates. Available in a range of styles and colours, aluminium fences can be customised to match the design of your pool area.

    Ideal Applications

    Aluminium pool fences are perfect for residential properties, community pools, and recreational facilities. They offer a versatile and attractive solution that ensures safety while enhancing the visual appeal of the pool area.

    PVC Pool Fences

    Features of PVC Pool Fences

    PVC pool fences are made from high-quality polyvinyl chloride, offering a durable and low-maintenance fencing solution. These fences are available in various styles, including picket and privacy designs. PVC is resistant to rot, insects, and UV damage, ensuring a long-lasting and attractive appearance.

    Ideal Applications

    PVC pool fences are ideal for residential pools, public swimming areas, and commercial properties. They provide a clean and polished look while offering reliable safety and privacy.

    Timber Pool Fences

    Features of Timber Pool Fences

    Timber pool fencing combines natural beauty with essential safety features, making it a stylish and practical choice for any pool area. Customizable to fit your design preferences, timber fences offer a warm, organic look that enhances your landscape. Quality-treated timber ensures durability, providing a long-lasting barrier that withstands harsh weather conditions.

    Beyond aesthetics, timber pool fencing meets safety regulations, ensuring a secure environment for children and pets. This type of fencing prevents unauthorized access and reduces the risk of accidents, offering peace of mind. Additionally, as a renewable resource, timber is an eco-friendly option, with sustainable sourcing practices further reducing its environmental impact.

    Choosing the Right Pool Fence

    When installing a pool fence, it’s crucial to consider the various types of fencing available to ensure maximum safety and aesthetic appeal. Each type of pool fence offers unique features and benefits, tailored to meet different needs and preferences. Here’s a look at some of the best options:

    Safe Pool Nets

    Safety nets are an effective barrier to prevent small children and pets from accidentally accessing the pool. These nets are strong enough to support the weight of a child, allowing them to play on top safely without the risk of drowning. Easy to install and remove, safety nets provide a flexible solution for pool safety.

    Safe Pool Safety Barriers

    Safety barriers, including fence installations and pool covers, are essential for preventing accidents. These barriers are designed to be robust and reliable, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access the pool area. They are a crucial addition to any pool setup to enhance safety.

    Safe Pool Safety Products

    Safe pool fencing products include various types of fences that meet safety regulations and requirements. From glass to aluminium and PVC, there are several materials and designs to choose from, each offering durability and compliance with local safety standards. The cost of these fences varies based on the material and design, ensuring that there are options available for different budgets.

    Benefits of Our Pool Fencing Solutions

    Increased Safety

    Our pool fencing solutions significantly enhance the safety of your pool area, protecting against accidental access and potential drowning incidents. By creating a secure barrier, you can ensure the safety of children, pets, and guests.

    Compliance with Regulations

    Our pool fencing solutions are designed to meet or exceed local safety regulations and standards, ensuring that your pool area is compliant and safe. This compliance helps protect you from potential legal issues and liabilities.

    Aesthetic Enhancement

    We offer pool fencing options that do not compromise on aesthetics. Our designs blend seamlessly with your pool area, adding both security and visual appeal. Whether you prefer modern glass, classic aluminium, or stylish PVC, we have the perfect solution for you.

    Long-Lasting Protection

    Constructed from high-quality materials, our pool fences provide long-lasting protection, ensuring that your pool area remains secure for years to come. These durable materials require minimal maintenance, saving you time and money.

    Our Installation Process

    Initial Consultation and Quote

    We begin with an initial consultation to understand your specific pool safety needs and provide a detailed quote. Our online quote calculator helps streamline this process, offering transparency and accuracy.

    Design and Planning

    Our team works closely with you during the design and planning phase to ensure that all your requirements are met. We take into account your pool area’s unique characteristics to deliver a tailored solution.

    Professional Installation

    Our professional installation team ensures that your pool fencing is installed to the highest standards, focusing on efficiency and minimal disruption to your daily activities. We ensure that your fence is securely installed and meets all safety regulations.

    Post-Installation Support

    We provide comprehensive support after the installation, ensuring that any issues are promptly addressed and that you are completely satisfied with your pool fencing solution. Our team is always available to assist with any maintenance or modifications you may need.

    Testimonials and Case Studies

    Customer Testimonials

    Our satisfied customers share their experiences, highlighting the quality and reliability of our pool fencing solutions. These testimonials demonstrate our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

    Project Case Studies

    We showcase detailed case studies of completed projects, illustrating the variety and quality of our work. These case studies provide insights into how our pool fencing solutions have successfully met the needs of different clients.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    General Questions

    Our pool fences are made from high-quality materials such as toughened glass, aluminium, and PVC. These materials are chosen for their durability, resistance to weather conditions, and minimal maintenance requirements.

    The installation process typically takes between 1 to 3 days, depending on the size and complexity of the project. We strive to complete the installation efficiently while maintaining the highest standards of quality.

    Yes, we offer a range of customisation options to ensure that our pool fences meet your specific aesthetic and functional requirements. Whether you need a particular design, colour, or height, we can tailor our solutions to fit your needs.

    Our pool fences require minimal maintenance, typically involving periodic inspections and cleaning to ensure optimal performance. This low maintenance requirement helps save you time and money in the long run.

    Yes, we provide warranties on all our fencing solutions, covering any defects in materials or workmanship. This warranty ensures that you receive a reliable and durable product that meets your safety needs.

    Installation Questions

    Before installation, we conduct a site survey to assess the area and determine the best approach for installing the fence. We also ensure that any necessary permits are obtained, and we coordinate with you to schedule a convenient time for the installation.

    The installation process involves marking the fence line, setting the posts, and installing the fencing panels. Our experienced team ensures that each step is completed to the highest standards, ensuring a secure and professional installation.

    If you need any modifications after the installation, our team is available to make the necessary adjustments to ensure your complete satisfaction. We are committed to providing ongoing support and addressing any concerns you may have.

    We use high-quality materials and employ experienced professionals to ensure that your fence is installed securely and meets all safety standards. Our installation process includes rigorous quality checks to ensure that the fence provides the intended level of security.

    We offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that your pool fence continues to perform effectively. This includes regular inspections, any necessary repairs, and addressing any issues that may arise after the installation.

    Additional Questions

    We offer various fencing styles to meet different needs, including Glass Pool Fencing for a modern look, Aluminium Fencing for durability, PVC Fencing for low maintenance, and Steel Fencing for superior strength and security.

    Our fencing services are available across Australia, including Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart, and the Gold Coast. We strive to provide reliable and high-quality fencing solutions wherever you are located.

    Contact Us

    Call Us

    0485 856 986


    3 Evergreen Mews, Armadale VIC 3143, Australia